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ეკონომიკური კვლევების ეროვნული ინსტიტუტი - National Institute of Economic Research! - Journal Number 3

The title and content



Mamuladze G. Mamuladze N.

Role of Values in Marketing 3.0 (p., 9-13)

In the given article it is discussed and analyzed the values of the companies as one of the most important element of marketing 3.0, which is closely related to consumer. The paper also discusses the importance of group values. It is necessary to determine the values of the firm. Companies must create values for the owners of the enterprise, for their products consumers, also for suppliers and staff. Companies must respect their values, otherwise it will become the object of criticism for the public and staff.

In the article it is also presented and analyzed the authors research about Georgian tourist agencies, concerning values. At the end of the article, in the form of conclusion it is submitted that, while the competition is strong and is growing rapidly, to maintain and strengthen companies position in the market it’s necessary to pay special attention to their true values and to implement them in practice. If the companies do not implement the group values, it will not be developed and will not be successful and competitive in the market.

Keywords: Marketing 3.0; Values; Group values; Cultural values

GELA MAMULADZE,Doctor of Economics,Professor, Batumi Shota RustaveliState University, Georgia, Batumi

NINO MAMULADZE, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University,PHD student of Business administration, Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:

Ф. Котлер. Маркетинг 3.0. От продуктов к потребителям и далее – к человеческой душе“. Москва 2011, Стр. 240; [Kotler P., ,,Marketing 3.0. From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit”, Moscow 2011, P 240];

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Bakhtadze M.


Development of modern tourism is mostly depend on inculcation, development and strategizing innovative technologies that are directed to improve client servicing and to expand tourism service opportunities. All these things are very important to increase and develop efficiency of this sphere. The article reviews perspectives of Georgia’s tourism development, in particular medical and cruise tourism. The article also shows the value of innovative management in development of country’s tourism potential.


Keywords: innovative management, tourism, medical tourism, cruise tourism, innovative development.

MIRZA BAKHTADZE, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University,PHD student of Business administration, Georgia, Batumi


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A. devadze


Management of tourist enterprises is quite a complicated process, which requires activation of logistics systems in order to optimize economic flows that have a significant impact on the company's financial results.

Logistics is being discussed as one of the most effective methods of tourism management. Logistics of Tourist Company represent specific logistics activity, the essence of which lies in the planning of operations, in management and control, which is carried out during development of the tour and during the time of delivering the finished product to the consumer. Logistics of Tourist Company also provides processes of supplying   relevant information, storing and processing. Also logistics is a competitive tool in the market and a management philosophy in the tourism.

According to the integrated paradigm, logistics system is viewed as a unified whole, as an integrated system that combines the tourism product formation, production and realization of the entire life cycle according to the Customers Demands.

Thus, the paradigm represents organization's situational and combined perspective of tourism business on the inside-company and outside-company levels.

Logistics principles represent consumer priorities. Therefore, the level and type of service, which are offered to customers, are being advanced to the foreground, while the reduction of the time and improvement of performance reliability are being considered as the ultimate goal of logistics.

Based on the logistics approach, the ideal system of management is system that is based on an integrated approach and allows purposefully manage effective activity reserves of the tourist enterprise.

Keywords: Logistics, Tourist Enterprise, TourismLogistics, Material flow, Financial flow, Information flow, Flow management system.

ANZOR DEVADZE, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia, Batumi                                                                                                                          


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Reference to this article:

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I. Abashidze


Internet advertising is not merely an effective but also one of the major components for achieving marketing goals on modern markets. Nevertheless, due to various reasons, Georgian companies still do not fully utilize resources and potential of internet advertising, unlike European and American companies. The dynamics of implementation of internet advertising by Georgian companies is gradually rising. However, there is still a big gap to be filled that can greatly change approaches to promotion of products and services. Especially, taking into consideration the fact that marketing is ever changing realm with novelties emerging on a regular basis. Thus, companies that will manage to adapt their activities to new environment, will gain a significant competitive advantage. The paper aims to review opportunities of internet advertising in Georgian marketing space and analyze its future prospects.

Keywords: Internet advertising, internet marketing, social media, search engine optimization, SEO, integrated marketing communications, public relations, PR.

IRAKLI ABASHIDZE, PhD student of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University


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Reference to this article:

Stokes R. e.Marketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world. Fifth Edition. Quirk Education Pty (Ltd) (2013).

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L. Qoqiauri


Creation of effective system of innovative business requires a Theoretical Basis, Etymological Unit, Adequate Instruments. Creating an affective forms and methods of Innovative Management determines their goals, subjects, management tasks. Thus, in the article we thought it is necessary to define the concept and conceptual issues of the above questions. This will allow us to reflect fully and accurately the content of the innovative process as the management unit.

Any news can be transferred into innovation only in case, society recognize, estimate and determine the appropriateness of its use. Innovation transformed into innovation after the Innovative Process. The article shows a new effort to define a scheme of innovative process.

Innovative Process- this is the process of transforming scientific knowledge as the innovation. It includes a sequential chain of events: “Science, Technology, Manufacture.” In other words, it implicates the creation of new coherent scheme, which performs a variety of functions: Procedural, Additional, Basic, Productive and so on. Thus, the innovative process is to receive news and to make its commercial realization. It includes not only scientific technological processing and manufacturing, but also its exchange and consumption. The article shows a new effort to define a scheme of innovative process.

keywords: Innovative and Technological revolution, Information Technology, Lorentz curve, Innovative Economy,Innovative management,Innovations,Innovative development, Intellectual Capital,innovative Manufacturing, Innovative Projects;

LAMARA QOQIAURI, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.Full member of Georgian Economics Academy. Georgia, Batumi.


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Reference to this article:

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S. Japaridze


In this article describes structure of the Human Resource Management system. The basic principles are recruitment, assessment, training/education and motivation action plan. This method examines in detail and focusing the selection process of personnel. It gives a detailed analysis of methods of conducting interviews during the selection. Interviews and focus groups are the most common methods of data collection. Focusing on the existence of valuation system in the company and its positive aspects. Following the example of the French company "Lafarge", it is developed methodology systems for assessing and the competence.

Keywords: Recruitment, training, motivation, assessment, action, competence.

SALOME JAPARIDZE, Master of International Management Inviting Specialist at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University


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Reference to this article:

A.Antsupov, V.Kovalev, “Socio-psychological assessment of personnel”/Manual, UNITY, 2009, pg. 351

B.Gechbaia, A. Devadze. “Human Resource Management” / Manual. Tbilisi,2015

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B. Milner “Organizational Theory”, MOSCOW,2009, pg.480


M. Kyzym, V. Khaustova, O. Kozyreva


The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution of regional policy in the EU carried out at the supranational level and to identify opportunities and directions for the implementation of the European experience in Ukraine. As part of the set goal a classification of types of regional policy in the EU is formed; features and instruments for its implementation in accordance with the defined types of regional policy are analyzed; a comparative characteristic of types of the selective regional policy of EU member countries is presented; the classification of types of problem regions in the EU is considered; the practice of implementing the regional development policy in the EU at the supranational level in the period from 1951 to the present time is analyzed and a periodization of the pursued regional policy is proposed; the key principles of the regional policy, priorities, instruments, mechanisms, featuresof its implementation and funding within the defined stages and substages are studied. On the basis of the conducted analysis it is proved that regional policy has evolved significantly during the entire period of the EU existence. In this respect there can be distinguished two main stages of its development: from 1951 to 1988 and from 1988 to the present time, which are characterized by different goals, priorities and instruments of implementation of the regional policy. It is shown that the experience of formation and realization of regional policy in the EU can be useful for its implementation in Ukraine and other countries.

Keywords: regionalpolicy, EuropeanUnion, evolution, problem regions, instruments, priorities, goals.

KYZYM MIKOLA, D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Director of Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine.


KHAUSTOVA VIKTORIIA, D. Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of Section for Industrial Policy and Innovative Development of Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine. Email:

KOZYREVA ELENA, Ph.D., Associate Professor, External Doctoral Candidate at Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine.


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G. Katamadze


Introduction. Foreign income distribution effectin Georgia is different for different social groups. Liberalization of foreign trade will further grow rich already rich part of the society: wholesalers, businessmen, large entrepreneurs, investors, banks, insurance companies and economically active subjects that while the foreign trade further impoverishes the already poor layer of the society, who do not have the financial, physical or mental ability to be actively involved in the trading process, and they are unemployed or employed in other firms.

The purpose of statistic study is to determine the effect of our country's foreign trade policy pursued by the government of Georgia income distribution between certain groups of population.

Research methods. To achieve this goal have been used in research work possessing process has been used methods of dialectical materialism, historical, logical analysis and synthesis.

Georgia's liberal foreign trade policy will result in an even more vulnerable layers of society gets more pure. For example, if there is high tariff on shoe and clothing import, but nevertheless, the producers still have low incomes, while their customers – are rich, then, a liberal foreign trade towards the fashionable pursuit of these trade barriers are even more serious financial problems for shoes and clothes local entrepreneurs and will bring slight economy to already wealthy customers of these commodities. This will further increase unequal distribution of revenue. Therefore, foreign trade excessive liberalization is unprofitable for local entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Foreign income distribution effects, a growing sector, enterprise factors owner, trade liberalization, the relative price changes.

GULIKO KATAMADZE, Doctor of Economics, Associated Professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:

P. H. Lindert International Economics. publishing house "News" Tbilisi, 2009. pg.. 365;

D. Katamadze. International economic relations. the pub­lishing house "Batumi University", Batumi,2008 .pg-400;

International economic relations. Textbook. \ Edited by B. M. Smitienko. Moscow. publishing house “INFRA-M”, 2005, pg.-514.

National Statistics Office Supplies of Georgia -The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations


D. Katamadze


Introduction. The trade policy of any theoretical study shows that the economic growth pace ac­celerates not locking of foreign trade, but its full liberalization. But if you look at the country's foreign trade policy implemented by the government in practice we see that it is quite "laden" a different kind of trade restrictions - import taxes, quotas, licenses and other forms of non-tariff barriers.The foregoing the­sis main research aims is to determine why the theory goes beyond scientific research to practical reality? Did outdated trade policies on modern scientific theoretical analysis carried out by the economists?

Research methods: In order to achieve the work in process of development has been used to study dialectical materialism, historical, logical, analysis and synthesis methods. Practiced trade policy often tends to be theoretically grounded liberal trade policy in the direction of tightening trade restrictions in Georgia.when developing Georgian foreign trade policies, the government is not based on a reasonable theory "money equivalentive criteria" maximizing the chance of winning the next election criterion". If any of the trade policies of other followers reject this approach, then they need to lay their own preference system, explain the political decision-making, Why should one group's interests have more significant role than the others.

Keywords: Lobbyism, state employees, decisions about trade politics, "money equivalentive criteria", "maximizing the chance of winning the next election" criterion.

DAVID KATAMADZE, Doctor of Economics, Associate ProfessorBatumi Shota RustaveliState University, Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:

P. H. Lindert International Economics. publishing house "News" Tbilisi, 2009. pg.. 365;

Th. Pirtakhia. months. The Ministry of Foreign Trade Economic Analysis of the modern stage. Journal: “Business & Law”, 2010 №19-20);

D. Katamadze. International economic relations. the pub­lishing house "Batumi University", Batumi, 2008 წ. pg-400;

International economic relations. Textbook.\Edited by B. M. Smitienko. Moscow. publishing house “INFRAM”, 2005, pg.-514.

National Statistics Office Supplies of Georgia -The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations

Trade and economic missions of foreign countries about.


G. Tkhilaishvili


Georgian agrarian market to become part of the global market at the modern era of globalization, the formation of the production is essential for the agricultural products in the process of ensuring comp­liance.The regulation improvements of the international trade relations are the key objective of the World Trade Organization, because it takes into account the globalization of the economy and the rapid variation of the current occasions, bilateral economic relations and strengthening of the integration process.

At present, the Ministry of the Agriculture of Adjara is facing new challenges. The question arises as to what the new role to play in the region's agricultural economy? The issue of concern remains the po­tential in this scope, whether the comparative advantages of trade and production in rural areas should be given special devotion to local needs and whether it meet the needs of export markets. Adjara region con­sumes more imported food products than it produces. Hence we need to observe what place it takes in the sectorial structure of the region, whether is it worth to focus on agriculture priority recognition policies or not. The Adjara AR agricultural sector in the production and export development problem possible exists only by properly arranging the organizational and legal forms of agricultural enterprises, their entrepr­eneurship and establishment of favorable conditions for the effective use of their productive potential.

Keywords:Comparative trade advantage, legal forms of organization, Suburban zone, rational usage, tariff appliances, protectionist measures, internationalization of the economy, liberalization.

GULADI TKHILAISHVILI,Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University PhD Student. Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:


Oppenheim, A. N. (1992). Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement. London & NY: Continuum;

Alreck, P. L. Seattle, R. B. (1985). The Research Handbook. Homewood: Irwin.)


T. Varshanidze


In the modern world economic trends are directed toward the democratization of property. Which deepened our interest in the diffusion of property rights, law enforcement and determining the direction of the limits of property rights. We believe that The country's long-term economic success, especially in the field of agriculture and the protection of property rights is almost impossible without receiving a transparent system of land ownership.

Keywords: Private property, Forms of ownership, State, Market economy, Investment, Economic freedom, Privatization.

TAMTA VARSHANIDZE, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University,PHD student of Businessadministration. Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:

„Globalization of the Economy and Development Prospects, International Scientific Conference” Tbilisi 2008;

Veshapidze…2008: “The world economy” Tbilisi 2008;

Todua…2011: „Globalization, as a universal essence of the modern world economy” Tbilisi 2011;

Sisvadze…2006: “Economic theory” Tbilisi 2006;

Stiglitz…2012: “globalization and its discontents” Tbilisi 2012;

Samadashvili…1995: “The privatization of state-owned enterprises and development of private entrepreneurship in the transition to a market economy in Georgia” Tbilisi 1995;

The Constitution Tbilisi 1995;;;



The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), created in 2015 by Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz­stan, Belarus and Armenia, claims to be the first successful post-Soviet initiative to overcome trade barriers and promote integration in a fragmented, under-developed region. Supporters argue that it could be a mechanism for dialogue with the European Union (EU) and other international partners. Critics portray a destabilizing project that increases Russia’s domination of the region and limits its other members’ relations with the West. On paper, the EEU is an economic, technocratic project that offers some benefits to members, particularly in easing cross-border trade and facilitating labour migration, but also poses economic risks by raising external tariffs and potentially orienting economies away from global markets. So far it has had little economic success, though access to Russia’s labour market has been an important motivator and, on balance, a positive outcome for struggling post-Soviet economies. The article analyzes the processes taking place within the framework of EEU and in its conclusions suggests that regardless of any difficulties of an economic or political nature, which stand in the way of applicant countries joining the customs union and/or the EEU, or which hinder negotiations about agreeing a common free trade area, the increase in Eurasian integration has more positive than negative results for the parties involved. The positive effects of expansion, which occur automatically for members of the EEU and/or customs union, are plain to see. These positive effects of expansion include primarily the consolidation of reciprocal trade relationships; the expansion of sales markets; the regulation of questions of transport and commerce stability; the legalization of a significant amount of work force migration, which previously lay in a grey area. The issue of a potential equalization across the entire region of Eurasia with the Chinese economic expansion could also be an important consequence of the Eurasian integration process.

Keywords: Integration processes; Regionalism;Biofuels;Interstate.

GELA GVARISHVILI,Candidate of Political Sciences, ProfessorBatumi Navigation teaching University. Georgia, Batumi’


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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Caucasus and the Caspian region to establish a special situation. The battle for the development and transportation of Caspian oil. On the agenda was the question of resolving the legal status of the Caspian Sea. The decision of the legal status of the Caspian Sea is of great importance in order to select a route for the transportation of energy resources. Today, through the territory of Georgia laid the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku - Supsa oil pipeline and South Caucasus gas pipeline, which run parallel to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. The Baku-Tbilisi-Dzheyhan- first direct route for transporting oil between the Caspian and Mediterranean seas, the total construction cost of which amounted to 4 billion. US dollars. This route is economical and allows for safe transport of oil over long distances. In addition, the existing oil reduces oil transportation in large numbers across the Bosporus.

Keywords: Georgia, Caspian region, pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan

PAATA AROSHIDZE, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli state university. Georgia, Batumi


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Georgia, as an independent country and plenipotentiary member of the world community of nations, appeared on the political map 18 years ago. But it doesn’t mean that its state history is limited to this 18 years. Georgia has a history of many centuries (Three thousand year anniversary of Georgian state was officially celebrated in 2000). So long is the history of the emission and circulation of Georgian money as well.

The first coin in Georgia was in VI century BC, large denomination of the so called “Colchis tetri” – Tetradrachma. It belongs to the number of rarest coins, whereas small denominations (Triobolis) are known thousands from the historical territories of Colchis, which mainly cover West Georgia.        

The emission of Georgian money lasted for centuries; however, circulated money of the territory of the country was not always original national currency. But as the foreign political pressure weakened, Georgian government immediately implemented its sovereign regalia – cut its own money.

At the beginning of XIX century, after Georgia was converted within Russian Empire, with the loss of independence Georgia ceased the emission of the so called “Sirma abazi” the last Georgian money, which was very popular in the whole Caucasus. This was followed by the emission of Russian-Georgian coins in Tbilisi mint.

In 1918-1921, there were produced Bonis of Transcaucasia Commissariat and Democratic Republic of Independent Georgia, and Georgian and Transcaucasia Federation Bonis as well, released after Soviet Russia annexed and occupied Georgia, in 1921-1924.

On April 9, 1991 Georgian independence was announced. From April 5, 1993 to October 2, 1995 circulated Coupons of Georgian National Bank.

On October 2, 1995, new Georgian National currency “Lari” was announced as a legal tax means on the whole territory of the country. It undergoes modification in order to be perfect: 1999, 2000, 2004, and 2016.

The emission of Georgian money for National economic development is unequivocally determinant.              

Keywords: emission, Drachma, Trioboli, Georgian-Sasanian coins, money functions, mint.

IRINA TAVADZE,PhD in economics, assistant professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli Shtate University. Georgia, Batumi


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Reference to this article:

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In the terms of market economy it appeared inevitable to renovate all the fields. This problem is mostly vivid in industrial sector which requires full transformation, creation of a new system and development.

In investment policy the special place has concept about mutual communication between incomes and risk level which implies direct proportional dependence between those two categories.

Investments provides continuation of product manufacturing, it supports carrying manufacturing, innovative and social projects, it plays role in increasing production volume and efficacy of further public production. In the terms of economic crisis investments are the most important possibility for transformation of socio and industrial potential and subordination of it under the market.

The classification of basic stages of investments in market economy terms gives the possibility to determine state regulation directions of this whole process.

It is worth mentioning that planning macro-economic parameters at recent and forecasting stages are based on two basic factors one of which is increasing foreign investments. This process should be based on appropriate changes of fiscal policy, structural and institutional reforms in order to provide long-term growth with the help of financial-banking system at the basis of temporary revival of economy. Investment environment in a certain countrythis is what is principally important in investment policy.

If it is possible to create investment project market in Georgia it will be interesting for investors in case if average incomes from these investments will exceed incomes of the other markets.

Keywords: investments, investment policy, investment environment, investment management, investment projects, investment risks, investment process.

SULKHAN DEVADZE, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Faculty of Economy and Business
Student of Doctoral Studies. Georgia, Batumi


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L. Zlotnikova, O. Rudenko


The summary Relevance of the appeal to a problem of man's domination in economy is caused by decrease in its efficiency, need of search of new sources of development.

During reforming of society socialization of the person, having received the status of service, I have worsened an economic situation of women. There are unresolved problems of the theory of the latent capital, determination of its value. Still economic science does not pay due attention to forming of a social capital in a family. Still economic science doesn't pay a due attention to forming of a social capital in a family. Costs for education of the new person, forming of bases of moral, social and economic conduct are theoretically not proved, are practically recognized the personal record of a family. In incomplete families most often the woman bears material, moral and social responsibility.

Keywords: socialization, man's domination, latent capital, inequality, values, household, family, woman.

ZLOTNIKOVA LYDIYA, Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation, Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor, Republic of Belarus, Gomel


RUDENKO OLHA, Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Director of SRI of Public Administration and Management. Professor of the Department of management Chernihiv National University of Technology, Ukraine, Chernihiv


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the factors affecting to the quality of life the Ukrainian people – (p.,126-132)

The article reveals the essence the "quality of life" concept and identified the factors affecting it. One is detailed data factors and investigated their condition. It is analyzed the statistics mortality data in Ukraine and natural population growth (decrease).

It has been established that the problem of the required level of life quality in Ukraine is quite complicated and multifaceted, but today it is an urgent solution to ensure social stability in Ukraine. In the implementation of the concept of humanitarian development one must be based precisely on the factors that affect the quality of life.

It has been determined that increasing welfare through the introduction of high social standards, the development of accessible and continuous education, development of health systems to encourage fertility, family support and development, regulation of environmental conditions, to create conditions for the realization of human needs and quality improvement of social services should be a priority of government humanitarian sphere in the formation of the quality of life in Ukraine.

Keywords: public administration, humanitarian sphere, social standard, quality of life, mortality, natural population growth (decrease), migration increase (decrease).

ANNA MEDYNSKA, Postgraduate student of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy, National academy of public administrationunder the President of Ukraine.


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Reference to this article:

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The article provides insight into the structure of the government regulation mechanism for the youth civic engagement. It has been established that legislative and regulatory legal acts, which form a constituent part of this mechanism, could be divided into three large sets. The first set consists of the legal acts regulating the external impact factors of the youth civic engagement.

It has been demonstrated that the second set of laws within the government regulation mechanism for the youth civic engagement regulates educational and awareness-raising aspects of establishing civic awareness in young people. The article introduces the chronology of the adoption of the key legal regulations in the area of the youth patriotic upbringing.

The component of the government regulation mechanism for the youth civic engagement, which accounts for creating opportunities to implement the youth initiative, consists of statutory provisions for the legal support of the youth participation in social and political life.

Furthermore, the article establishes the main policy documents that form an integral part of the government regulation mechanism for the youth civic engagement. The chronology of the adoption of the most essential legal regulations in the area of the youth patriotic upbringing has been reviewed.

It has been determined that regulatory acts on national-patriotic education of young people comprise the most extensive component of government regulation mechanism for the youth civic engagement. However, a significant number of regulatory legal acts on different aspects of establishment, development and implementation of the youth civic engagement contains contradictory provisions. This attests to the fact that a comprehensive approach to the solution of these issues has yet to be developed.

Keywords: youth civic engagement, state youth policy, government regulation mechanisms.

KHOKHYCH IHOR, doctoralcandidateattheDnipropetrovs’kRegionalInstituteofPublic

Administration, NationalAcademyofPublicAdministration, Ukraine, Kiev.


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O. Grishnova, M. Naumova

Social entrepreneurship as a factor of quality of life:AN empirical analysisin a global context (p., 141-150)

The paper reflects on the relationship and interdependence of social entrepreneurship, the general enabling environment for social entrepreneurship and quality of life in the world (across countries contexts) for 2009 and 2015 using k-means cluster analysis.It was found that differentiation of the countries analyzed by the level of social entrepreneurial activity (SEA) and its significant correlation with enabling environment for social entrepreneurship development and quality of life in general.Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Consortium has calculated the SEA rate for each participating country for 2009 and 2015.

Comparative analysis of SEA rate at the international level revealed new trends and to draw general conclusions of the importance and direction of social entrepreneurship development in each country that it forms the relevance of the paper.

The main objective of the paper is to comprehensive evaluate the developments of SEA rate at the global level and to identify the interdependencies their links to creating environments conducive to social entrepreneurship development and growth in the quality of life.

We have applied k-means cluster analysis in order to analyze the situation in SEA level development in the world for 2009 and 2015, and clustering of countries according to these indicators in 2015:

1) favourable environment for the activities of social enterprises (according to the international agency Thomson Reuters)

2) quality of life (social progress index, developed by the non-profit organization Social Progress Imperative).

The statistical values were standardized for each clustering to account for different value units.

This approach method enabled a conclusion that in the complex of countries for each clustering are clearly distinguished four clusters, but components of the clusters are differ in variety of researched characteristics.

The global distribution of the countries into four clusters by the k-means cluster analysis, based on the SEA rate for 2009 and 2015, allowed to indicate that the SEA indicator has grown 2,52 times in 2015 in comparison with 2009 is a testimony to social entrepreneurship ever increasing popularity.

According to the model of Hofstede's five cultural dimensions were properly analysed the characteristics of mentality and behavior norms of social entrepreneurs that were specific to the countries all over the world.We assert, drawing upon the cluster analysis undertaken as part of the paper, that growth of social entrepreneurship would be a significant advancement to improving the quality of life of the population and, consequently, socially oriented states has a special interest in assisting and the high level supporting for social entrepreneurship.

We demonstrated that favourable conditions for the extensive SEA development really correspond to level of social entrepreneurship development in the countries, cultural factor shaping the behavior of social entrepreneurs largely.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship (SE), social entrepreneurial activity (SEA), quality of life, favourable environment for the activities of social enterprises, cluster analysis, k-means method, cultural factor, Hofstede’s index, Social Progress index.

OlenaGrishnova,ScD in Economics, professor at the Enterprise Economics Department,

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University


Mariia Naumova

PhD student at the Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Kyiv, Ukraine

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